ACL (Audiophilecircuitsleague)'s WT-Quad LFO module was a long time in the making but has now finally arrived in stores!

The WT-Quad is "a versatile, 4-channel Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) designed around a wavetable architecture" with per-channel clock, sync and CV inputs and trigger and LFO outputs.
Since the module supports custom user wavetables in .wav format to be used as LFO waveforms there are plenty of opportunities to experiment with interesting modulation waveshapes.
To make the creation of new LFO waveforms quick and fun, ACL have now unveiled a handy LFO designer tool can be found over at the ACL website. While meant for the WT-Quad, it exports as a standard .wav and could also be used for other purposes. Check it out here !